Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Leadership by Choice

"Nigeria would become one of the top-twenty global economies by the year 2020"

This is the level of 'positive optimism' that is giving hope to this and the next generation of Nigerians both here in the country and in the diaspora. Why not? Giving the level of audacity and self-confidence in the people such a vision is within reach. What is required is the right of leadership that would guide the country to the 'promised land'. Most Nigerians would quickly note that such leadership may not be readily available given the level of self seeking tendencies of political office holders. But these are not the sort of leaders the country is looking for at this period. The new leaders most be self-selected and come from all backgrounds and disciplines. They would make themselves available undertaking initiatives that would transform people, organizations, systems and their context.

If you consider yourself one of such leaders then stand with me.

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